
Done and Done...Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center

The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts has been undergoing a serious transformation for some time.

We've spent a lot of time at the Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center, pouring approximately 5,000 square feet of custom colored concrete flooring, which was then polished. 

The Film Society of Lincoln Center will host the New York Film Festival here. Additionally, the two theaters will be used for new film releases as well as educational programs and lectures. Of course, it is a state-of-the-art theater, with special attention paid to acoustics and aesthetics. 

Architect- David Rockwell and Rockwell Group
 Contractor- Yorke Construction

Enjoy the Show(s).


In the works...Water Street

These photos are of the Residents' Lounge at 205 Water Street in Brooklyn. What you see here is the white base coat. 
The finish coat will be a grey microtopping.

 When it's finished, it should look like this

Lots to do...



Another "how to" video.
This one shows how we diamond polish concrete flooring. 
It also shows one of our crew feelin' the music, loving his job. 

He's using the machine on the lower level. We call him Showstopper. 

Don't overlook the amazing transformation that takes place in this commercial space.


Newest Addition

This baby is our newest piece of equipment, one that will help us to be more efficient and just better at what we do. It is the Mini Fox by Golz and it is a slurry filter press. A what?

Put simply, this orange machine recycles the water that is used when we diamond polish concrete, and allows us to reuse that water again. It also presses the slurry that is made by grinding concrete into little bricks that can be recycled. It's also perfect for our tight job sites and is small enough for one person to use. 

Welcome to the family Mini Fox.


The Magic Happens

We love using stuff like this, 

a sea of sand, crusty dye bottles,

buckets of stone, 

To make stuff like this...

(Kitchen countertop, sink, and drainboard)

(Fancy trowelled fireplace)

We think that's kind of cool.


Jet Blue Update

We mentioned recently that we are making some concrete stair treads, risers, and landings for the new Jet Blue headquarters in Queens.

Those of you who have a close relationship with concrete know that it can be as sensitive and tempermental as a toddler. 

The mud should be just the right consistency, it needs to be caressed into its shape, adequate time to rest, and it must treated gently. 

Soon we'll check in on the finishing process, which is like a spa day for a piece of concrete. We have learned that concrete needs to be fussed over and we spend our time doing just that. 



This concrete bowl is interesting.

(bowl/ bird bath, found on Etsy)

It reminds us of this sink.  

(Erosion sink by Gore Design)

We like both, and we think that they say something about our place in the natural world- about the processes that exist, and our resistance to them being futile.

That's a good thing, right?