
Local ♥...

Our buddies over at Hudson Beach Glass are hosting an awesome event which kicks off this Friday and runs through the weekend. 

Beacon Open Studios is a city wide art exhibition that welcomes the public into local art studios to see where and how it all happens. The self guided tour begins at Hudson Beach Glass, where you can pickup a map. In addition, mobile galleries known as Truck City will be outside Spire Studios from Noon to 6pm on Sat. & Sun. 

This is a unique way to experience great art, great food, and a great city, all while supporting local artists. By the way, it's free. 

Go here for a list of events, hours, and a map. 


Done and Done...Anthropologie

We're combining a "Done and Done" with an "In the Works" post today...

We've made tables and cash wraps for Anthropologie internationally. 

Clearly, we're not the only ones that think that concrete is a perfect canvas for the unique aesthetic and style that you find at Anthropologie.

The pieces below will become more cash wraps.

The next time you step up to the counter and buy your Rosebud Salve, put your hands down onto the smooth concrete surface. Now you know where that interesting material came from. 


Loving this...

While looking for something or other on the internet, we stumbled across Tactility Factory and their amazing line of 'concrete skins'. As people who know concrete, we have to say that we think these rock!

They are intended to be used as wall coverings or can be integrated into 
other products, including precast concrete. 

We love being surprised by such creativity and this product has our juices flowing. And we're not the only ones. Check out these projects

Seriously amazing.